
Thank you for being part of the NAEA community. 我们致力于提供一个安全, 协作, and welcoming environment for all virtual participants. To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation in virtual events, 社交媒体平台, community discussion boards and in-person events.

Report a Violation of NAEA's Code of Conduct Policy

如果您有任何问题或疑虑, or if you would like to report a violation of NAEA的行为准则政策, please contact us by calling (202) 822-6232 or by emailing us at 


不遵守NAEA行为准则将导致正式警告,并可能导致暂时或永久停止访问NAEA的一个或多个活动(虚拟或亲自)和平台, 不退款. 三次违规行为将导致暂时或永久从所有NAEA虚拟平台和活动中删除和/或立即取消NAEA会员资格.

Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with these important guidelines. If you have questions, contact NAEA at


This policy applies to all NAEA 社交媒体平台 and virtual events, 包括由NAEA以外的组织和/或合作伙伴赞助但与NAEA活动同时举行的会议, 在公共或私人平台上. 所有的参与者, 包括, 但不限于, 与会者, 演讲者, 委员会成员, 合作伙伴, 参展商, NAEA团队成员, 会员福利提供者, and all others are expected to abide by this policy.

By participating in any virtual event, 社交媒体平台组, 和/或社区讨论板, you agree that you have read and will follow these rules and guidelines. 你也同意继续讨论, 共享文件, and relevant content that is best suited to the medium.


  • 尊重别人的人. 友善有礼. Focus on the content of posts and not on the people making them. Please extend the benefit of the doubt to the member; there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
  • Respect the purpose of the community, social media group, and/or event chat. 利用社区分享成功、挑战、建设性反馈、问题和目标. If you’ve found a product or service helpful, please share your experience with the group in a respectful way. Promoting a service you provide is not permitted on NAEA virtual platforms.
  • 讨论产品时要谨慎. Information posted in virtual platforms is available for all to see, 评论可能会被诽谤, 诽谤, 还有反垄断法.
  • 所有的诽谤, 虐待, 亵渎, 威胁, 进攻, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited.
  • 没有个人分歧/攻击. If there is a difference of opinion, keep the debate professional. 如果争论变得过于激烈,那就不要参与,否则你可能会违反行为准则.
  • No Hate Speech, Bullying or Political Jokes/Comments. 任何形式的欺凌都是不允许的, and degrading comments about things like 比赛, 宗教, 文化, 性取向, 性别, 否则身份将无法被容忍.
  • 尊重知识产权. 发布您个人创建的内容或已被允许使用的内容,并适当归因于内容创建者.
  • When posting items in our 协作 environment, please indicate if the item is not available for reuse. 如果你想重复使用任何材料,最好联系它的所有者.
  • 只将你的信息或文档发布到最合适的社区或社交媒体组. This helps ensure all messages receive the best response.
  • 没有促销或垃圾邮件. 自我提升只允许在管理员发起的指定的“自我提升”线程上进行.
  • 没有煽动性的帖子或评论. 管理员保留以任何理由删除帖子或事件聊天的权利. 这是NAEA赞助的网站, 过度的批评, 包括 repetition of previously discussed issues, 是不允许的.
  • 无费用讨论. Per NAEA Policy and Procedure Manual 15.3.1: Do not discuss prices, fees, or rates. 这是联邦反托拉斯法的一部分,适用于所有协会活动.
  • 鼓励问题. 我们是来学习和分享的. Any comments that belittle a member’s level of knowledge will be removed.


  • State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. 这允许会员更适当地回应你的帖子,并使会员更容易按主题搜索档案.
  • Do not send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “me, 对个人来说太过了, 对于整个列表. Use the “Reply to Sender” link in the message to reply directly to the sender.
  • 不向组发送管理消息,例如“将我从列表中删除”. 相反,你可以使用网络界面来更改你的设置,或者将自己从列表中删除.

NAEA has many opportunities for our members and 合作伙伴 to provide information. We encourage you to select the appropriate outlet amongst our many offerings. Here are some examples of other locations NAEA provides:


本网站是为全国注册代理人协会会员提供的服务.  黄金城电子娱乐网址注册代理人协会不对其他人在本网站上发表的意见和信息负责. We disclaim all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by National Association of Enrolled Agents or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. 在任何情况下,全国注册代理人协会不承担任何特殊费用, 间接, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, 或利润, 因使用或执行本网站上发布的任何信息而引起或与之有关的.

不要张贴任何诽谤、辱骂、亵渎、威胁、冒犯或非法的材料.  未经版权所有人许可,不得张贴任何受版权保护的信息或其他材料. 通过投寄材料, 发布方保证并声明他或她拥有该等材料的版权,或已获得版权所有人的许可. 除了, 发布方授予全国注册代理协会和本网站用户非排他性的展示权利和许可, 复制, 发布, 分发, 传输, 打印, and use such information or other material.

不应发布鼓励或促进会员达成任何明示或暗示导致价格操纵的协议的信息, 抵制:对他人生意的抵制, or other conduct intended to illegally restrict free trade. 鼓励或促进就下列主题达成协议的信息是不合适的:价格, 折扣, or terms or conditions of sale; salaries; profits, 利润率, or cost data; market shares, 销售地区, or markets; allocation of customers or territories; or selection, 拒绝, or termination of customers or suppliers.




NAEA is committed to providing a safe, 富有成效的, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and NAEA staff. 所有的参与者, 包括, 但不限于, 与会者, 演讲者, 志愿者, 参展商, NAEA工作人员, 服务提供商, and all others are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct. This Policy applies to all NAEA meeting-related events, 包括由NAEA以外的组织赞助但与NAEA活动同时举行的活动, 在公共或私人平台上.

通过参加任何NAEA活动, you agree that you have read and will follow these rules and guidelines.


In-Person Participation – Duty of Care

  • 尊重别人的人. 友善有礼. Be considerate and respectful to all community members.
  • 无费用讨论. Per NAEA Policy and Procedure Manual 15.3.1: Do not discuss prices, fees, or rates. 这是联邦反托拉斯法的一部分,适用于所有协会活动.
  • No Hate Speech, Bullying or Political Jokes/Comments. 任何形式的欺凌都是不允许的, and degrading comments about things like 比赛, 宗教, 文化, 性取向, 性别, 否则身份将无法被容忍.
  • If you are being harassed or feel uncomfortable, notice that someone else is being harassed, 或者有其他顾虑, please contact a member of the NAEA event staff immediately.
  • 所有与会者的健康和安全. 通过参加NAEA活动, 您同意在参加活动期间遵守并参与某些有益健康和安全的行为. This includes but is not limited to wearing a mask if you choose, 如果你生病或最近接触过COVID-19,保持适当的身体距离,不要参加活动.

Unacceptable behavior from any community member will not be tolerated. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form.
  • 对任何出席者进行言语辱骂, 演讲者, 志愿者, 参展商, NAEA工作人员, 服务提供者, 或其他会议嘉宾.
    • 言语虐待的例子包括, 但不限于, 与性别有关的口头评论, 性取向, 残疾, 外表, 体型, 比赛, 宗教, 国家的起源, 在公共场所或演讲中不恰当地使用裸体和/或性图像, or 威胁 or stalking any attendee, 演讲者, 志愿者, 参展商, NAEA工作人员, 服务提供者, 或其他会议嘉宾.
  • Disruption of presentations during sessions, 在展览厅, or at other events organized by NAEA throughout the meeting. 所有参与者必须遵守主持人和NAEA活动工作人员的指示.
  • 演讲, 的帖子, and messages should not contain promotional materials, 特别优惠, 工作机会, 产品发布, 或征求服务. NAEA保留删除此类信息并可能禁止这些请求来源的权利.
  • Failure to obey any rules or regulations of the event venue.

所有的诽谤, 虐待, 亵渎, 威胁, 进攻, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited.